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End of the Year Celebration

Our May meeting brings us to our 29th Birthday celebration and our last regular meeting for the year! The celebration marks the end of our Sampler Guild of the Rockies’ year, and we won’t meet again as a full group until September. Where did the time go! Our celebration will be held at the Church on Saturday May 7th. We are having a potluck styled luncheon so a big thank you to everyone who signed up to bring a dish! It will be a lot of fun to end such an exciting and fun-filled year with a meal and comradery! Don’t forget to bring your handstitched pincushion for the exchange! It’s so much fun to see what designs have been stitched! Looking forward to September, our year is going to be full of fun and happy goings on! September will kick off our 30th Anniversary so you know big things are in the works to make sure it is a very memorable celebration! The Board is hard at work on special programs, commemorative needlework goodies, and a fantastic Seminar! Make sure you have renewed your membership for the upcoming year! You will not want to miss a single month! Finally, I want to wish each of you a wonderful and restful summer. I thank you for your support this year. Your kindness and generosity of time, resources and talent are inspiring, and I am truly grateful to be a part of it. May your summer be filled with sunshine and much stitching pleasure! As a reminder, the church doors will open at 2 PM for members with the meeting called to order promptly at 2:30. Until September, Happy Stitching!

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