After one heck of a 2020, I know many of us are looking forward to 2021! Despite some definite bumps along the way, and many unexpected and unprecedented situations, I have watched SGR continue to grow in not only paid memberships, but in our online Facebook membership! People are continuing to find us and want to participate in our wonderful Guild. We are 28 years strong and moving forward!
Each year at this time, I find myself looking through my stitching projects and comparing my completions to my January “To-Do” list. While I did not complete all of my stitching goals for the year, I did make some good progress, having knocked out a couple of large ones. With that being said, many cross-stitch designers released incredible new designs, so my stash has not been reduced in size. Alas, that’s the conundrum of this hobby we all love! So many delightful and inspiring designs and just not enough time.
January’s meeting will mark the halfway point for the SGR year. It’s hard to believe how quickly our meeting year passes. I have continued to be in contact with the Church and at this time they have no plans to allow large groups like SGR to meet. I anticipate the remainder of this year our meetings to continue via Zoom. If this changes, I will send out an email notification and post the relevant information on our Facebook page and website. I encourage each of you to watch the newsletter for details regarding our upcoming programs, Seminar, and Retreat and Stitching Day.
Happy Stitching!